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Bob Robinson

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Bob Robinson ministers to students at Kent State University at Stark and Stark State College.

On Labor Day 2012, Bob launched The Center to Reintegrate Faith, Life, and Vocations, a non-profit that equips God's people to reintegrate the Christian faith with their vocations. Reintegrate is the partner ministry with CCO to reach college students in the Canton, Ohio area.

"Having planted a new church, I felt God had called me to reach the next generation with the good news of Jesus Christ," says Bob." I started working with other pastors in my town that were also seeking to reach young adults and college students. It was then that one of these pastors recommended I talk with the CCO about my vision and passion for reaching this group. I was intrigued by the holistic approach to ministry that the CCO uses, helping students understand that they have a very real, immediate role to play in God's reconciliation with the world. Young people were encouraged, empowered, and emboldened to transform the world. I was humbled and overjoyed to become part of such a marvelous ministry."

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